====== KVM Quick Reference ====== ===== Add drivers to Windows virtuals ===== There are some very good Windows device drivers that will really increase the efficiency of your Microsoft virtual machines. However, they are best done on new installs since synchronizing the installation of the disk drivers when you change it from whatever to virtio can be //interesting//. However, there is a noticeable difference in responsiveness when these drivers are used. * Download KVM virtual drivers for Windows from [[https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/quick-docs/creating-windows-virtual-machines-using-virtio-drivers/]] * Documentation at [[https://linuxhint.com/install_virtio_drivers_kvm_qemu_windows_vm/]] More information is available at [[http://kb.unixservertech.com/unix/virtualization/virtlib/quickreference?s[]=virtio]]