====== PolKit colord error ======
===== Summary =====
After the upgrade to Devuan chimaera (Debian Bullseye), I received a message
**Authentication Required to Create Managed Color Device**
when trying to log in remotely (via VNC).
A little research and I found the excellent articles at https://c-nergy.be (see links at bottom), where they (//Griffon//) walks through how they found the problem, researched the hell out of it, and found a long term solution. Here is a summary, but I recommend you read the two posts at the bottom.
**Note**: Their article was written for Ubuntu, but works just fine for Devuan (and, I assume, Debian)
===== Quick Instructions =====
edit /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/45-allow-colord.pkla
[Allow Colord all Users]
**Note**: the Action line is over 270 characters long. That is correct.
===== Links =====
* http://c-nergy.be/blog/?p=12043 - Steps to repair
* https://c-nergy.be/blog/?p=12073 - Original post?