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Reportico Quick Reference

Custom Group Header

To create a custom header on a group, you can use the criteria if you enclose it in curly braces. In the following example, I have a group header custom text defined for Group 0 which will display the criteria named location and wednesday


Additionally, you can define a style for the custom header by wrapping it in curly braces also, and placing it after the custom header text. To center and bold the above custom header, use:

{STYLE text-align:center; font-weight:bold;}

Column Headers and Trailers

Column Trailer

Column Trailers tend to be of the form label value where label is the name of the field. So, if you have a group summary which includes the value, it can look kind of messy.

Simple way to fix this is with the constant BLANK in the columns Group Trailer Label.

  1. Click Columns
  2. Select Column to modify
  3. Enter BLANK in the Group Trailer Label
  4. Click Apply button

Note: there are circumstances where you might want a label displayed, but not the default, for example when it is the sum of a calculated field. In this case, simply enter the label you want (ie, Tax Total).

software/reportico/reference.1688423559.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/03 17:32 by rodolico