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Reportico Quick Reference
Custom Group Header
To create a custom header on a group, you can use the criteria if you enclose it in curly braces. In the following example, I have a group header custom text defined for Group 0 which will display the criteria named location and wednesday
{location} {wednesday}
Additionally, you can define a style for the custom header by wrapping it in curly braces also, and placing it after the custom header text. To center and bold the above custom header, use:
{location} {wednesday} {STYLE text-align:center; font-weight:bold;}
Column Headers and Trailers
Column Trailer
Column Trailers tend to be of the form label value where label is the name of the field. So, if you have a group summary which includes the value, it can look kind of messy.
Simple way to fix this is with the constant BLANK in the columns Group Trailer Label.
- Click Columns
- Select Column to modify
- Enter BLANK in the Group Trailer Label
- Click Apply button
Note: there are circumstances where you might want a label displayed, but not the default, for example when it is the sum of a calculated field. In this case, simply enter the label you want (ie, Tax Total).