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Auto-Queue scrips

Based on sender e-mail

This scrip (not a typo, a scrip is an RT Script) can be added in the global scrip section and will automatically put a ticket in the proper queue based on the sender's e-mail address. In this case, we have senders coming from different domains ( and, and we want to put them into the queue's Example and Example 2 Queue when a new ticket arrives. Note: the queues must exist before this.

The hash %domain_map contains a Regular Expression (aka regex) to match. If the regex matches, the new ticket will be placed in the proper queue.

Note: A handy regex tester I use quite a bit is located at

# Written by RWR, taken from
# hash of all the possible domains, and matching queues
my %domain_map = (
   '@.?' => 'Example',
   '@.?' => 'Example 2 Queue'
#Check each of our defined domains for a match
foreach my $domainKey (keys %domain_map ) {
   if ( $self->TicketObj->RequestorAddresses =~ /^.*?${domainKey}/ ) {
      # Domain matches - move to the right queue
return 1;
software/requesttracker/autoqueue.1724977644.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/29 19:27 by rodolico