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ChromeOS System Report
ChromeOS does not have a simple way to record a system's configuration. The following will get the information similar to Belarc Advisor (https://www.belarc.com/products/belarc-advisor).
The resulting mhtml file is fairly useless, but can be parsed using the included script. Additionally, we can save it as a pdf, meaning it is viewable on most systems.
- Open Chrome web browser
- Enter URL as chrome://system
- Click “Expand All”
- Right click in page (use two fingers if no mouse)
- Select “Save As”
- Choose Webpage, Single File (default)
- name the file your_nameChrome.mhtml, so in my case, it would be RodChrome.mhtml
- Save in your downloads folder
- Right click again
- Choose Print (it will hang for a minute or two)
- Choose Save as PDF
- Save as your_nameChrome.pdf (ie, RodChrome.pdf)
You now have two large files in your downloads folder, and mhtml file and a PDF. The following Perl script parses the mhtml file, using ====CATEGORY==== as headers, with the contents afterwards. I have written it to NOT include the logs. Use the command:
tr -d '\r' < filename | ./processChrome.pl > filename.txt
- processChrome.pl
#! /usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; # tr -d '\r' < filename | ./processChrome.pl my %lookFor = ( 'div-bios-info-value' => 'bios_info', 'div-blkid-value' => 'blkid', 'div-cpuinfo-value' => 'cpuinfo', 'div-disk-usage-value' => 'disk_usage', 'div-ifconfig-value' => 'ifconfig', 'div-lsblk-value' => 'lsblk', 'div-meminfo-value' => 'meminfo', 'div-network-devices-value' => 'network_devices', 'div-os-release-NAME-value' => 'os-release NAME', 'div-os-release-VERSION-value' => 'os-release VERSION', 'div-uname-value' => 'uname', 'div-vpd-2-0-value' => 'vpd_2.0' ); sub getLine { my @lines; while ( my $thisLine = <> ) { chomp $thisLine; if ( substr( $thisLine, -1 ) eq '=' ) { #die "$thisLine\n"; chop $thisLine; # remove the equals sign push @lines, $thisLine; } else { push @lines, $thisLine; #print "returning\n$thisLine\n"; return join( '', @lines ) . "\n"; } } } my %found; my $line; my $count = 100; my $category = ''; while ( $line = &getLine() ) { #print "$line\n"; #die unless $count--; $line =~ s/=3D/=/gi; # Ok, if we have a category already, and have found a </div>, clear the category $category = '' if $category && $line =~ m"</div>"; if ( $line =~ m/^.*<div.*id="(div-[^"]+-value)">(.*)$/ ) { my $key = $1; $line = $2; #print "$key\n$line\n"; die; # this is one of the ones we want, so start using it if ( $lookFor{$key} ) { $category = $lookFor{$key}; #print "$key\n$line\n"; die; $found{$category} = $line . "\n"; } } elsif ( $category ) { $found{$category} .= $line; } } foreach my $key ( sort keys %found ) { print "\n====$key====\n" . $found{$key} . "\n"; } 1;
unix/chromeos/systemreport.1688502742.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/04 15:32 by rodolico